• Mind Detective Manon - ThetaHealing - Manon de Jongh

Request Animal Healing

    Your data is protected. By completing this form you give permission to process your personal data under the conditions of our privacy policy. See privacy policy

    Note: The first healing for your animal must be paid in advance.
    An audio recording of the healing will be send digitally.
    Pay a first healing here

    Disclaimer: Although there is no guarantee or promise that the desired results will be achieved through ThetaHealing®, animals always receive relief from every healing they receive. Effective results are realized immediately almost every time. Read more about results achieved in animals in the testimonials.

    ThetaHealing Coaching
    Therapy and Training

    Oosterpad 2
    1981 BP Velsen-Zuid
    The Netherlands
    +31 (0) 6 2717 6152

    Gratis en vrijblijvend 30 min. online doorbraaksessie Vraag hier aan

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